
#60: Loose Bees, Superbowl Cartoons & Caricaturist Protests

This week, Scott and Jason jump into some football cartoons ahead of superbowl LIX

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Welcome back for another episode of Is There Something In This? Dools and Chatto are back in the writer’s room, slinging zingers, avoiding Obvious Ocean Liners and vying for the Outback Steakhouse Pick-of-the-Week®!

This week, we’re trying something a bit new by recording our video of the show. Let us know in the comments if you like it, and we’ll keep doing it… probably.

By the way if you want to binge all of our previous episodes in an endless playlist like it’s some kind of Netflix Drama that just got nominated for an Emmy®, You can find our entire backlog right here.

Send us your cartoon idea suggestions! We can’t guarantee we will read every one on the show, but we will read all messages we get here.

▶ Be sure to send in your suggestions via Instagram @newyorkcartoons or jasonchatfieldcomedy@gmail.com. Cheers!

▶ Check out our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ITSITpodcast

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We're inviting you into our living room, don't walk out with our lamp. Please refrain from selling our jokes. All original content is © Copyright 2024 Jason Chatfield & Scott Dooley for "Is There Something In This?" All rights reserved.

We welcome you to download and play the podcast and share it with others for personal use; please acknowledge "Is There Something in This?" Podcast as the source of the material. You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content.